It's been such a long time since I last updated! oh gosh.
But it's all good 'cause I'm back :)
I'm in a good mood. Wanna know why? BECAUSE TODAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! I'm finally finished with Freshmen year of college! And let me tell you... it ZOOOOOMED right by. No joke. I can't believe I'm a sophomore now... it's insane!
So I had my last exam today- it's was an 8 a.m. exam and we had to write two in class essays... fml. My hand was cramping by the end of the first essay! But I finished on time so everything's good :)
And to start off my summer:
My boyfriend and I are going to AC today! I'm so excited! :DD
He's on his way to pick me up as I'm typing this hehe. Everything's good in the hood!
Anyway, I wanted to talk about something that's been in my mind lately.
So May 14th was No Make Up Day- or something of that sort. I was really inspired by all the women who either broadcasted themselves in front of the entire country or youtubed themselves with no make up on! It was so nice to see women expose themselves like that. I know it would take me a lot of guts to do that. And as I was watching this, I was telling my boyfriend about it and he brought up something that kind of took me off guard. When I told him that these women are so brave to do this in public, he replied by saying, "That just tells you how sad our world is... women have to be BRAVE to show their real selves?" I'm not gonna lie.. he made a good point there. It made me realize that it shouldn't be bravery that provokes us to show our real selves... it should just happen without thinking. We're so masked by our make up that we're so used to it, which makes our true faces become foreign or private. It kind of reminds me up Fiona from Shrek; how Fiona's beautiful body during the day is a mask that hides her hideousness at night. Now, I'm not saying that we're that extreme but the same rule applies. Shrek was only able to see her real self because she let him in and showed him her vulnerability side. No one else in the world would've known that she would drastically change from day to night. So in that sense, we have become little Fiona's where we mask our real appearance from the world during the day and then only at night do we take off our masks.
To be honest, the only reason why I put make up on is to cover my blemishes and redness. I rarely put eye make up on with the exception of mascara and eye liner. But it doesn't matter. I'm hiding my blemishes away from the world, which I should not be embarrassed of...but it's just so hard! When make up is improving every year, it's impossible to not be pressured to try all the bright sparkly colors! BUT, it should not let it become us. It should not become a mask to cover our true appearances. This is something that I have to work on myself and I do realize that things might be better once my acne goes away but I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna take a lot of time. Slowly but surely! One day you'll be seeing me walking around the streets with no foundation on! :)
Let's eliminate all the Fiona's out there in the world! Because we all know that there is not happy ending (unfortunately.. :( ) And by Fiona I mean women who mask themselves with make up that it takes bravery to leave the house without out. We shouldn't depend on make up so much... you're know you've crossed the line when someone asks you "If you were stranded on an island and could only bring ONE thing with you, what would it be?" and you answer "MAKE UP" hahahaha. you get my drift ;)
Anywho, that's all I got to say! Just me blabbing once again hehe.
current obsession:
japanese products= LOVAAHHHH.
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