Back again :) It's been a while though hehe oops.
So school is starting in about a week! I can't believe my 5-week winter break has already come to an end. It's incredible how times flies. The first month of 2010 is coming to an end too! The memory of counting down to the new decade is still fresh in my mind.. Time sure flies.
I'm really looking forward to the spring semester though because I can finally dorm. It's going to be a new experience- living with five strangers, sharing a room with two other girls, making food for myself (instead of my mommy making it for me) and finally having MORE FREEDOM! :D
Anyway, about the title of this blog. I've realized how impatient of a person i am. seriously. I am so incredibly impatient and I
really need to fix that :( Recently, I've been dealing with insecurity issues because of my skin... I know that eventually it will heal and clear up but i want it now! I sound like a brat. I know it won't heal overnight. Oh wonderful if that could truly happen...but it won't and i need to realize that. I need to just accept it and move on with life. It shouldn't affect my life and how I interact with people and etc. it doesn't make up who i am...most importantly, I won't let it control my life. no wayyy!
I just have to be patient and it will heal in a couple months. sighh. but that just sounds sooo long. (ugh, here i go again!)
My loving boyfriend and my mommy have been helping me a lot of endure this little "phase" in my life right now. They're always giving me words of encouragement and telling me it'll get better. I'm so glad they are there for me. Without them, i would probably be depressed, and sitting in a fetal position, in a corner all by myself :(
I am so thankful for them. My mommy particularly has always been there for me to help me feel better. She knows how it feels like too so she can relate to me and encourage me a lot.
Perry, on the other hand, does not! Ugh, so jealous of his skin HAHA. But he's really good at cheering me up and making me feel loved. He always tells me that he'll still love me no matter what and that makes me feel sooooooo much better.
Wow, I'm making this sound like I have cancer or something worse. I guess it's not a big deal since like 8/10 people have acne but I'm just really self-conscious about it because i grew up with people hurting my feelings because of it. Ironically, I've been hurt by my family more than my friends/random strangers. So I just have insecurity issues when it comes to this topic. However, I've really opened up! I used to not talk about it to ANYONE. not even my best friends. Now, I even talk to my boyfriend about it haha. so that's a BIG step forward for me, which I'm really happy about!
I'm also really scared to live with my new roommates because I don't want them to judge me. I hope they're nice people who aren't shallow and (fill in the blank).
Anyway, I'm out! :)