A few of you guys asked how I'm doing in terms of acne and such.
Good news: my face is now acne-free! Thanks to my second trip of Accutane.
Long story short, I was on Accutane a couple years back because of severe acne. Naturally, at first, I was really hesitant because there were cases where patients would become depressed and have suicidal thoughts. But, I decided to give it a try, because at that point, all I wished was to have clear skin and I was going to do whatever it took! After 6 months of being on it, my skin was clearer than ever and was a very good experience minus the dry skin. I didn't have any other symptoms. I recall my dermatologist telling me that there are some cases where patients go on Accutane again if the acne comes back, but I didn't think much of it. For a good 2-3 years after Accutane, I was acne-free. I did break out from time to time but it was nothing compared to before.
* The only con for Accutane is the hassle of having to get your blood drawn monthly and also monthly dermatologist visits. You can't get pregnant while on Accutane because it can deform the baby, which is the reason for blood tests.
In 2010, my skin went berserk, AGAIN. This time, it was its worst ever. I started to get cystic acne all over my face, especially my cheeks and chin and it was absolutely unbearable. It totally ruined my first year of college! My boyfriend was really supportive and reminded me every day that I was beautiful and I love him so much for that x) But beautiful was definitely NOT what I saw in the mirror. I decided it was time to visit the dermatologist again (a different dermatologist from the first). At my first visit, my dermatologist went straight to the point and gave me two options: Birth control pills or Accutane. I did not want to do the whole Accutane thing again since it was such a hassle so I told myself it would be the VERY last option (which I now regret to this day). I know I said it was an amazing experience but I just did not want to deal with the monthly visits and blood tests. And I was living on campus so I didn't want to have to drive back home every month. Instead, my dermatologist prescribed me oral medication, clindamycin which is an antibiotic and Differin 1%. I took my antibiotics I believe twice a day and applied Differin on my face religiously. However, it did not do anything to my skin. After a couple months, I went back to my dermatologist and told him I wanted to be on birth control pills. Birth control pills help reduce acne but there have been cases where it can make it worse. So I was gambling 50/50 when I decided to take BC pills. My stubbornness got in the way and I refused to go on Accutane again. Long story short, BC pills did not help my acne. Finally, there was only one option left... ACCUTANE.
Now why do I regret not choosing Accutane the very first day I visited the dermatoligst? BECAUSE THE FIRST WEEK I STARTED ACCUTANE MY ACNE STARTED TO DIMINISH!!! :D I cannot believe I wasted all that time! I should've just started with Accutane! RAWRRRR. :b It was effective even faster than the first time I was on it back in 9th grade. I couldn't believe my eyes O.O
CURRENTLY, I am acne- free! My skin has never looked better. I have finished my 6 months cycle of Accutane and the experience has been nothing but good news ^^
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or message me! :)
I am very happy with my decision and hope that every one out there will be also be able to fight those annoying buggers(acne) away!
Just remember, acne or not, you're beautiful just the way you are. That fact will allow you to fight anything that comes your way and it will make you a stronger person. Don't let a couple of acne bring you down! *^.^*
Here are some tips:
IF you're thinking about going on Accutane, it's best to avoid harsh products on the skin because it is at its MOST sensitive. Apply sunscreen every day, anything with salicylic acid is a no-go and always moisturize. I'm sure your derm. will go over all this!
DO drink a lot of water.
DON'T sleep with foundation on & make sure it's completely off and your face is squeaky clean before you go to bed ^^
DO stick to a regimen and try it out for at least a month.
IF you're thinking about taking BC pills, remember it could take 3-6 months until you start to see changes.
And most important tip: be patient and remember that with or without acne, you're beautiful!!! :) <3